
44 results

Freedom of Expression, the Media and Journalists: Case-law of the European Court of Human Rights 2016 - Books

A structured insight into the European Court of Human Rights’ case-law on freedom of expression and media and journalistic freedoms

Bookmarks - A manual for combating hate speech online - Manuals

No Hate Speech Movement has published a new Bookmarks hate speech manual – Revised edition (2016) – with the inclusion of the Guide to Human Rights for Internet Users

Human Rights in a Positive State - Books

This book critically and comprehensively engages with the European Court of Human Rights’ positive obligations case law, including references to media law matters

Spain's 'gag laws' - Legal Resources

The 'gag laws', most popularly known as 'Ley Mordaza' or 'leys mordaza', have been found to systematically violate citizens' rights in Spain since their implementation last year. The organisation PDLI is following the situation closely and provides a guide on what the laws mean and what they have caused to journalists so far

Peace journalism handbook - Manuals

Bianet released a handbook on Peace-Journalism, proposing a professional model that is human rights-oriented, fair instead than “objective” and infused with feminist theory

Russian surveillance law - Legal Resources

In a case related to alleged mobile phone surveillance, the European Court of Human Rights decided that an editor in Russia was entitled to claim to be a victim of a violation of the European Convention on Human Rights.

Anti-terrorist surveillance law - Legal Resources

After a case filed by a non-governmental watchdog organisation, the European Court of Human Rights has decided that the Hungarian anti-terrorist surveillance law violates the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR)

Journalism is not terrorism - Legal Resources

Despite ruling that the UK's Terrorism Act is incompatible with human rights and more protection is needed for journalists, Britain's Court of Appeal also ruled authorities were justified in detaining a reporter and confiscating his equipment at Heathrow Airport

Representation of minorities in the new media - Reports

A study published by Media Observatory presents a content analysis of coverage of minorities by prominent online media outlets in four Balkan countries

Discourse in danger. Attacks on free expression in Putin's Russia - Reports

The report “Discourse in danger. Attacks on free expression in Putin's Russia” illustrates the increasing effort by the Russian government to shape the information space, from the Internet, to children’s literature, to any independent cultural spaces, including theater and academia

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