
192 results

Italy: so much mafia, so little news. Report on the December 2018 joint fact-finding mission - Reports

A detailed description of the Italian system of protection for journalists, a survey among reporters under police protection, and an overview of proposals: this is the result of a fact-finding mission held in Italy by ECPMF with Ossigeno per l’Informazione and OBCT

Reducing Exposure to SLAPP Lawsuits: an Activist’s Guide - Manuals

In this booklet, prepared for the Protect the Protest task force by the Civil Liberties Defense Center, EarthRights International, the First Amendment Project, and Greenpeace USA, activists and journalist can find concrete help through comprehensive information, definitions, and questions about strategic lawsuits against public participation

The Free Speech Century - Books

In The Free Speech Century, two of America's leading First Amendment scholars, Lee C. Bollinger and Geoffrey R. Stone, have gathered a group of the nation's leading constitutional scholars - Cass Sunstein, Lawrence Lessig, Laurence Tribe, Kathleen Sullivan, Catherine McKinnon, among others - to evaluate the evolution of free speech doctrine since Schenk and to assess where it might be headed in the future

European Parliament resolution of 3 May 2018 on media pluralism and media freedom in the European Union (2017/2209(INI)) - Legal Resources

After the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia in Malta in October 2017 and Jan Kuciak in Slovakia in February 2018, three MEPs promoted the adoption of this Resolution and continued advocating for anti-SLAPP measures and intiatives to protect journalists

Media freedom organisations and MEPs back new anti-SLAPP law - Article

Six members of the European Parliament have called on the European Commission (EC) to swiftly initiate legislation to protect investigative journalism in Europe

Association of BH Journalists (BH Novinari) - Support Centres

Association of BH Journalists (BH Novinari) is a non-political and non-profit journalist association based in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina. It provides free legal and advocacy support to Bosnian editors, staff or freelance journalists and other media outlets.

Contact persons at its Free Media Help Line are Borka Rudić, 387 33 255 602 and Una Telegrafčić, 387 33 223 818

Association des Journalistes Professionels (Belgium) - Support Centres

Association des Journalistes Professionels (AVBB/AGJP) is a Belgian journalist association based in Brussels. AVBB provides free legal support to associated members.

Alliance of Lawyers for Human Rights - Support Centres

Established in 2009, the Alliance of Lawyers for Human Rights (Alliance des Avocats pour les droits de l'homme, AADH) is a worldwide organization providing legal support to organizations dedicated to the protection of human and environmental rights, including NGOs that provide legal support for journalist associations. Furthermore, in the case of Human Rights violations, the AADH provides legal information in order to structure and ensure the victim’s defense, as well as legal representation before the courts.

Free media help line Bosnia Herzegovina - Linija za pomoć novinarima Bosnia Hercegovina - Support Centres

Free Media Help Line is part of the Journalists' Association of Bosnia Herzegovina, and functions as a local institution for the support and assistance to journalists in the implementation of their work, and for the protection of journalists rights and freedoms. Free Media Help Line encourages all journalists to report every threats or any interference in the exercise of journalistic duties.

Protecting the reputation of the council - Legal Resources

Athelstane Aamodt considers attempts by local authorities to protect their reputation and analyses a recent European Court of Human Rights ruling