
122 results

ARTICLE 19 - Support Centres

ARTICLE 19 is an international NGO based in London and operating all over Europe. Article 19 offers free legal advice and advocacy support for Staff journalists, editors, media outlets, civic journalists/bloggers, freelance journalists, NGOs, and/or journalist associations.

Alliance of Lawyers for Human Rights - Support Centres

Established in 2009, the Alliance of Lawyers for Human Rights (Alliance des Avocats pour les droits de l'homme, AADH) is a worldwide organization providing legal support to organizations dedicated to the protection of human and environmental rights, including NGOs that provide legal support for journalist associations. Furthermore, in the case of Human Rights violations, the AADH provides legal information in order to structure and ensure the victim’s defense, as well as legal representation before the courts.

Media Legal Defence Initiative (MLDI) - Support Centres

Media Defence (also known as MLDI) provides legal defence to independent media, journalists and bloggers around the world who are under threat for their reporting. MLDI does this by administering an emergency defence fund, helping journalists, bloggers and independent media pay legal fees, and provides legal expertise to the lawyer(s) defending a case. 

MLDI also engages in strategic litigation to challenge repressive laws and expand the space for media freedom. Through this, it seeks to advance respect for international law and norms on the right to freedom of expression. MLDI submits cases to domestic courts and international tribunals and intervenes in cases already under way, as well as supporting national lawyers to do the same.

In countries where the threat of legal action is high and constant, MLDI provides financial support and legal expertise to national organisations that provide legal defence services to journalists.

MLDI also runs training and networking programmes for lawyers in the fields of media law and human rights.

Ossigeno per l'Informazione - Support Centres

Ossigeno per l'Informazione grants free legal assistance for journalists to help them resist the pressure of intimidation, thanks to the cooperation with the London-based Media Legal Defence Initiative (MLDI).

The Legal Office of Ossigeno is coordinated by the lawyer Andrea Di Pietro, an expert in information and communication law and legal consultant to Ossigeno per l’Informazione.


Journalism is not terrorism - Legal Resources

Despite ruling that the UK's Terrorism Act is incompatible with human rights and more protection is needed for journalists, Britain's Court of Appeal also ruled authorities were justified in detaining a reporter and confiscating his equipment at Heathrow Airport

Reform of the Republic of Armenia Law on Television and Radio - Legal Resources

This report analyses the Law on Making Amendments and Supplements to the Republic of Armenia Law on Television and Radio of December 2015, implemented to prepare for the country's digital switchover

German Court negates injunctive relief concerning research work - Legal Resources

The Higher Regional Court of Hamburg has ruled that the plaintiff's interest against the footage made of him did not outweigh the broadcaster's freedom of the press, which also includes research work and collecting information and footage

E-learning on Defamation Law and European Human Rights Standards - Training

A video e-learning series by IPI and MLDI for lawyers and journalists on European legal standards related to freedom of expression and the protection of reputation

Training Manual on International and Comparative Media and Freedom of Expression Law - Manuals

This manual provides resources and background materials to help trainers prepare and participants to understand training workshops on media and freedom of expression law 

Training Manual on litigation of freedom of expression in East Africa - Manuals

This module is designed to assist applicants in cases relating to freedom of expression and the rights of the media at the regional level, in East Africa. The module describes the processes and procedures for filing and arguing human rights cases before the three regional courts in Africa