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News related to press and media freedom coming from selected and reliable sources. News items are gathered and listed via an RSS feed

Fox Grant: Get paid to speak out

Freedom of expression is guaranteed in all European constitutions. But it is under pressure – even in countries that think of themselves as ‘free’. The concentration of media ownership, the increasing surveillance of communication and other factors impede the free flow of information among European citizens. Now a new fund invites applicants to get paid to prove that their stories have been ‘spiked’, censored or suppressed. And they also have a strong chance of winning an international award, since no fewer than nine projects supported by the Journalismfund have been honoured in the past four years.   Journalists all…

Source: European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF)

Privacy watchdog takes first step against those undermining right to be forgotten

Eerke Boiten, Senior Lecturer, School of Computing and Director of Academic Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security Research at University of Kent discusses the decision by the UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office to ask Google to remove links to stories about right to be forgotten removals. The UK’s data privacy watchdog has waded into the debate over the enforcement of the […]

Source: Media Policy Project

Transparency of media ownership and privatisation: challenges faced by Serbia

Transparency of ownership represents one of the foundations of free and independent media. While in western democracies ownership transparency tends to be high, LSE student Milan Dinic argues that this is not the case in countries undergoing transition to the west, Serbia being one of them. He looks at the state of media ownership in Serbia as the country attempts […]

Source: Media Policy Project

Send in the robots: automated journalism and its potential impact on media pluralism (part 2)

In his previous post, Pieter-Jan Ombelet of the KU Leuven Interdisciplinary Centre for Law and ICT (ICRI-CIR) analysed automated journalism (also referred to as robotic reporting) as a potential solution to combat the diminution of investigative journalism. Here, he focuses on the future possibilities of robotic reporting in personalising specific news stories for each reader and assesses the potential (positive […]

Source: Media Policy Project

The PEC award 2015 honors the fallen journalists in Ukraine

The PEC AWARD 2015 sponsored by the City of Geneva honors this year the fallen journalists in Ukraine and the plight of freedom of the press there. The annual award goes to Ms Dunja Mijatović, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, and Ms Liudmyla Zlobina, director of the Information Press Center in Kiev and of the Crimean Center for Investigative Reporting, announced the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) yesterday. The PEC board decided to award Ms Dunja Mijatović for her first class mediation role in the Ukrainian crisis and her exceptional personal commitment for the promotion of freedom of information…

Source: European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF)

Italy. The most dangerous news from July 2015 reported by Ossigeno

Monthly report on acts of intimidation, created by the European Center for Press and Media Freedom of Leipzig (ECPMF) with the support of the European Union Thirty journalists were sentenced to 17 years in prison for libel. It did not happened in Turkey, but in the civilized Italy in the last four years, that is

Source: Ossigeno Informazione » english

Italy. The most dangerous news of June 2015 reported by Ossigeno

Monthly review of news on acts of intimidation, created by Ossigeno for the European Centre for Prres and Media Freedom of Leipzig (ECPMF) with the support of the European Commission Twenty-eight June 2015. Two hundred and six in the first six months of the year. These numbers summarize the results of the monitoring of violations

Source: Ossigeno Informazione » english

Italy. The most dangerous news by Ossigeno. May 2015

The first monthly report created by Ossigeno with the support of the European Union for the European Centre for Freedom of the Press and Media of Leipzig (ECPMF) May has been a difficult month for Italian journalists. Intolerance towards those who report news events, to those who express critiques and opinions, has occurred frequently, strongly and

Source: Ossigeno Informazione » english
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