Support centres

NGOs, unions and firms providing media and journalism professionals with legal, financial and advocacy support, protection and training opportunities, and other tools

Print-Digital Council of the Slovak Republic (TR SR)

The Print-Digital Council (former Press Council) of the Slovak Republic (TR SR) is the executive body of the Association for the Protection of journalistic ethics in the Slovak republic (AONE ). It addresses complaints about the possible violation of journalistic ethics, as well as motions concerning restraining the journalists’ access to information.

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PRK Partners

PRK Partners is a private law company based in Budapest that provides pro-bono legal and adocacy support to staff and freelance journalists, editors, media outlets, NGOs and journalist associations. The person that needs to be contacted is Krisztina Rozgonyi (

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Pro Bono Aliance (Czech Republic)

Pro Bono Aliance is a Prague-based Clearing House that operates in Czech Republic. Pro Bono Aliance matches the needs for free legal aid of civil society and NGOs that provide legal, financial or advocacy support for journalists/media outlets, and/or journalist associations, with attorneys and law firms willing to provide pro bono legal services.

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Pro Bono Italia ETS

Pro Bono Italia ETS is the first non-profit association of lawyers, practitioners, law firms, corporate lawyers and bar associations to promote a culture of pro bono in our country. It is an independent, apolitical and nonpartisan entity, founded in 2017, which now has about 50 members and a network of about a thousand people, including lawyers, corporate lawyers, nonprofits and academics. It has promoted the creation of a social and legal ecosystem for the promotion of a pro bono culture in Italy. With its registration in October 2023 in the Official Register of Third Sector Entities (RUNTS), the association assumed the status of ETS, thus confirming its vocation as a nonprofit entity.


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Protect the Protest. Stopping SLAPP. Defending Dissent

A task force of nonprofit organizations that have long dealt with SLAPP threats (threats coming from strategic lawsuits against public participation).

The organizations of "Protect the Protest" have combined their expertise and collective power to protect the free speech of public interest advocates in the United States.

They declare: "An attack on one is now an attack on all".

The task force includes experienced lawyers, journalists, communications professionals, and activists, in order to stand together as one to expose courtroom bullying, and protect the right to boldly speak the truth.

The approach is threefold:

Building Resilience to SLAPPs - providing resources and training for civil society organizations, community leaders, journalists, and the broader public on how to best protect themselves from SLAPPs and what to do if they’re targeted. This includes a network of attorneys to defend those facing SLAPPs, especially individuals and small organizations with extremely limited resources.

Exposing SLAPPs and Those Who File Them - drawing on their own organizations’ campaigning, communications, and legal expertise to support public interest advocates and watchdogs targeted by SLAPPs. This includes campaigning against the biggest SLAPP offenders, as well as legal defense where resources allow.

Campaigning on Strategic Issues - When a specific SLAPP poses a broader threat to civil society or to democracy, they mobilize their collective resources to protect the rights to free speech and peaceful protest. Likewise, when opportunities arise to advance anti-SLAPP policies or laws, we engage in close collaboration with other stakeholders.

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Launched in 2015, is the European Union Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) mechanism which supports individuals and local actors who strive to promote and defend human rights worldwide. The mechanism is implemented by a Consortium of twelve international organisations active in the field of Human Rights.

Its services comprise:

  • Emergency support for HRDs at risk
  • Support to local HRD organisations
  • Temporary relocation of HRDs at risk
  • Training and information to HRDs at risk
  • Monitoring and advocacy

HOTLINE: +353 (0) 1 21 00 489

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Reporters Without Borders - S.O.S. Press

Reporter Without Borders provides a hotline for journalists in danger. This free hotline allows journalists to instantly transmit information to a Reporters Without Borders’ representative who, depending on the situation, can provide them with advice and contacts, or alert local or consular authorities. «Press SOS» hotline is available 24 hours/ day, 7 days/week.

SOS Presse phone number: (33) 1 4777-7414

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RISE Moldova

RISE Moldova (the Association of Investigative Reporters and Editorial Security) was established in 2014 in Chisinau. Sister group to Romania’s RISE Project, it works with journalists, activists, and programmers to conduct cross-border investigations across Eastern Europe. It also trains investigative journalists and offers logistical and consulting support.

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RSF Assistance Desk

The Assistance Desk of Reporters Without Borders (RSF) provides financial and administrative assistance to professional journalists and citizen-journalists who have been the victims of reprisals because of their reporting

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Russian Union of Journalists

The Russian Union of Journalists (Союз журналистов России) is the union representing journalists and other media workers across Russia. The Russian Union of Journalists, which is affiliated to the International Federation of Journalists, runs a defence hotline to support members who are attacked for doing their jobs. Contacts to get in touch with the union: and +7 (495) 637-51-01

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