
104 results

Empowering investigative journalism through the right of access to information - HTML5 video

Why is the right of access to information important for journalism? Valuable arguments in this short video by Access Info Europe 

Balancing Act: Press freedom at risk as EU struggles to match action with values - HTML5 video

The Committee to Protect Journalists presents its report on the challenges faced by the European Union is in keeping up to its role as a global leader in press freedom.

Arzu Geybullayeva, freelance journalist - HTML5 video

Freelance journalist Arzu Geybullayeva, intervied during the OSCE conference #FEMJournosafe, talks about the online threats she received

Lutz Mükke speech at the Italian Senate - HTML5 video

Lutz Mukke speech at the conference organized on 2 July in Rome by Ossigeno per l'Informazione

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