Search for "POLAND" returned 15 matches

Russia’s Double Standard on Dealing with “Fake” News - Legal Resources

The supremacy of the state’s version of events is a vital national interest in Russia. The legislation targets not only those news deemed to be "false" or biased, but also historical narratives. 

Understanding the EU Rule of Law mechanisms - Reports

This briefing by the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) conveys fundamental information about the “Rule of Law Framework”, the EU assessment mechanism applied for the first time in Poland with regard to the management of state TV and radio broadcasters

Defending media freedom in Poland - Legal Resources

The European Commission has adopted a framework to address threats to the rule of law by member states. The framework, which was initiated against Poland due to changes to its Media Law, entails a three-stage process of assessment, recommendations and monitoring

Criminal Defamation Laws in Europe - Reports

Germany revealed as leading user of criminal defamation laws among 18 countries surveyed by the International Press Institute

Media and Democracy in Central Eastern Europe (MDCEE) - Reports

A four year project investigated the relations between democracy and media in the countries that have joined the EU since 2004