Search fake_news_and_disinformation

Search for "fake_news_and_disinformation" returned 196 matches

Media Freedom on the Line as Turkey Approaches Elections - Article

OBCT joins media organizations and journalists in demanding politicians commit to end media oppression

How to assess national resilience to online disinformation? — Comparing Finland and Lithuania - Reports

This policy brief analyses the role of national resilience in resisting disinformation, also with the help of the Finnish and Lithuanian respective cases

One year after Bucha, independent journalism remains as vital as ever for uncovering atrocities of war - Article

OBCT joins partners in expressing their solidarity towards media workers who have been reporting on the massacre of Bucha, calling on the international community to continue to support the work of independent media covering the war

Turkey, earthquake fall out takes political turn - Article

The devastating earthquakes that shook Turkey on February 6 have uncovered a divided country, where many denounce the earthquakes as an announced tragedy. The government responds to the protests by tightening censorship

By Kenan Behzat Sharpe

Originally published by OBCT, also available in ITA

Call on Turkish authorities to abstain from further restrictions on media in the aftermath of devastating earthquakes - Article

The undersigned partners in the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) express their condolences with the victims of the devastating earthquakes in Turkey and reiterate the need for a free media atmosphere as a crucial element of all disaster relief processes

Nations in Transit 2023, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Freedom House Report - Reports

The report analyses the evolution of the democratic institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2022, taking into account different scores and indicators

Romania: the interference of parties in the media - Article

A recent report by the Council of Europe exposes the flow of money that goes from political parties to the media in Romania, and the consequent subordination

by Mihaela Iordache

Netherlands: Press freedom groups concerned about video with hostile rhetoric by Dutch politician against political reporter - Article

The Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) and its partners express today their concerns about hostile rhetoric used against an independent journalist by Dutch political party Forum for Democracy (FvD). Such problematic language creates an intimidating climate for public interest journalism, normalises both online and physical targeting of the press, and can lead to self-censorship amongst the journalistic community. We urge the FvD to put an end to its dangerous smear campaign against independent media

Turkey: International delegation condemns passage of disinformation law and calls for protection of journalists ahead of 2023 elections - Article

This week, seven media freedom, journalism, and human rights organisations met with key stakeholders in Turkey to discuss Turkey’s media freedom crisis

International Press Freedom Groups Condemn Turkey Disinformation Bill Placed before Parliament - Article

Twenty five international organisations call on Members of Parliament to vote against the bill on “disinformation and fake news”, a law designed to criminalise the free flow of information. Turkish translation available below