Search safety_of_journalists

Search for "safety_of_journalists" returned 165 matches

Ima li pravde za slobodu izražavanja? - Is there a right to freedom of expression? - Reports

This report provides relevant data on cases of media disputes in Serbia, analyzing how competent courts deal with freedom of expression-related issues

The Predator Files: Caught in the Net - Reports

This report is the result of Amnesty International’s Security Lab collaboration with EIC, a partnership of European media organizations, as a technical partner.

Media Freedom in North Macedonia: fragile progress - Reports

From 5-7 June 2023, OBCT joined MFRR partners in a fact-finding mission in North Macedonia organised by the Association of Journalists of Macedonia. This report presents the key findings and recommendations stemming from that mission

MFRR Monitoring Report - January to June 2023 - Reports

The MFRR Monitoring Report reviews media freedom violations occurred in Europe in the first half of 2023

Freedom on the Net 2023: The Repressive Power of Artificial Intelligence - Reports

The 13th edition of Freedom on the Net is an annual study of human rights online by Freedom House

“Unleashing data: Journalists' pursuit of open information and accountability” - iMEdD International Journalism Forum 2023 - Reports

Within the framework of  iMEdD International Journalism Forum 2023, a panel constituted by data journalists and investigative reporters discussed the challenges and opportunities of open data

2023 Rule of Law Report - Reports

The 2023 Rule of Law report monitors the main developments in the rule of law that occurred over the past year in the European Union and its 27 member states

Civic Intelligence Oversight: Practitioners’ Perspectives in France, Germany, and the UK - Reports

The article explores the forms of civic engagement and oversight holding intelligence agencies to account, counteracting the primacy of security and the secrecy of intelligence, with a focus on journalism and NGOs

Fieldwork Under Surveillance: A Research Note - Reports

Ethical and methodological challenges of conducting research “under surveillance”

Western Balkans Journalists’ Safety Index - Narrative Report North Macedonia 2022 - Reports

“Western Balkans Journalists’ Safety Index Narrative Report North Macedonia 2022” is a publication by Safeyournalists network. The scope of this document is to analyse the ongoing situation in the country with respect to legal environment, prevention of attacks, regularity of judicial processes which have an impact on the safety of journalists