
163 results

UK press coverage of the EU referendum - Reports

How did the UK press cover the EU Referendum? What were the main stories and issues deployed on each side of the argument? A new report from the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism examines these issues

Internet users’ preferences for accessing content online - Reports

Flash Eurobarometer 437, carried out in March 2016, focuses on Internet users’ preferences for accessing content online

Insights and trends in antisemitic online hate speech - Reports

Get the Trolls Out! is a project aimed to monitoring antisemitic hate speech in Europe. This report reveals the subtle rhetorical tricks that are typically employed to brainwash the public into hating and discriminating against Jewish people

Freedom of Information Laws: evolution of the number of requests in 11 jurisdictions - Academic Sources

With freedom of information statutes in over 100 countries today, law has become a key tool for journalists from India to Mexico. But their success depends on how they are used and implemented

Making Sense of Statistics - a review and guide by the BBC Trust - Reports

A report reviews the use of statistics by the BBC and provides relevant guidelines on how to use data for journalism

Solidarity campaign with Turkish journalists: how to help - Campaigns

EFJ and IFJ launched a solidarity campaign with the Turkish journalists following the new attacks on press freedom and human rights in Turkey since the coup attempt on 15 July

Freedom of Expression and Protection of Journalistic Sources - Reports

A new extensive report on the Protection of Journalistic Sources drafted by the International Legal Research Group and published by the Council of Europe and ELSA

Reuters Digital News Report 2016 - Reports

A comparative study of digital news consumption in the world

Public Service News and Digital Media - Reports

Can public service news organisations stay competitive in a digital environment? Reuters Institute explores the issue focusing on public media service in 6 European countries

Media Pluralism Monitor 2014 - Monitoring tool

The Media Pluralism Monitor 2014 is a measurement tool updating and testing previous monitoring tools, designed to assess the risks to media pluralism in EU member states