Search for "BULGARIA" returned 34 matches

Country factsheet: Bulgaria - Article

Called "the black sheep of EU media freedom", Bulgaria faces a lot of issues related to freedom of expression and safety of journalists. Here a detailed overview made by OBCT journalist Francesco Martino, who lives in Sofia

PPF Group and media ownership: an exchange between MFRR and the company - Article

The prompt answer of international investment group PPF to the letter of concern signed by international press freedom organizations is quite generic and leaves many issues open, but it is a first step forward

Bulgaria: the Ombudsman's answer to MFRR's letter of concern - Article

Diana Kovatcheva, Ombudsman of the Republic of Bulgaria, replies to the Media Freedom Rapid Response's concern underlining her efforts to protect journalists and allow them to access Parliamentary buildings

Bulgaria: police violence and public restrictions for journalists - Article

We co-signed a letter that the International Press Institute has sent to the Bulgarian authorities to express the concern of the consortium Media Freedom Rapid Response about restrictions and violations of media freedom

Journalists detained, tear gassed covering protests in Bulgaria - Article

MFRR partner, IPI condemn the violence against journalists and media workers covering anti-government protests by police officers

Call for whistleblower Jonathan Taylor to be protected - Article

Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) partners, media protection, human rights, transparency and whistleblowing support organisations, alongside international jurists call on Monaco to immediately withdraw the arrest warrant that led to SBM Offshore whistleblower Jonathan Taylor being arrested in Dubrovnik airport

Bulgaria: death threats against journalist Nikolay Staykov require transparent investigation - Article

The Sofia City Prosecutor's Office ordered police protection for the investigative journalist. However, at the same time it is questioning Staykov as part of a separate investigation into the allegations made in his documentary. IPI expresses concern about the independence of the Prosecutor's Office in properly investigating the case, asking for the assignment of a special prosecutor

Bulgaria: the end of a legal harassment - Article

On 28 June the independent publisher and businessman Ivo Prokopiev was finally acquitted, thus confirming that the charges against him can be considered retaliatory and intended to stifle investigative reporting. The Media Freedom Rapid Response partners are relieved but ask to stop all further legal harassment against him and Economedia. Here the statement that was issued before the trial

Media capture: Toolkit for 21st century autocrats - Article


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The 8th of a series of thematic itineraries to explore the Resource Centre on Media Freedom through a curated aggregation of contents. 

Media Freedom in Turkey - Article

The seventh of a series of thematic itineraries to explore the Resource Centre on Media Freedom through a curated aggregation of contents