Search for "BULGARIA" returned 32 matches

Bulgaria: IREX Media Sustainability Index 2017 - Reports

IREX’s study shows that the decade of EU membership has been disappointing for development of the media market in Bulgaria

A comparative analysis of media freedom and pluralism in the EU Member States - Reports

Commissioned at request of the European Parliament LIBE Committee, this study examines existing distortions in media pluralism hampering the proper functioning of democracy and it proposes enforceable actions to correct the deficiencies found

Media (In)dependence in Bulgaria: Risks and Trends - Reports

A report by the Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD) about political influences on Bulgarian media

Media ownership: towards Pan-European groups? - Reports

A publication of the European Audiovisual Observatory shows how few media companies are controlling large part of broadcasting market in Europe

Media Pluralism Monitor 2014 - Monitoring tool

The Media Pluralism Monitor 2014 is a measurement tool updating and testing previous monitoring tools, designed to assess the risks to media pluralism in EU member states

IREX Media Sustainability Index (MSI) - Monitoring tool

IREX Media Sustainability Index (MSI) considers developments over time, with a specific focus on economic sustainability; quality of journalism and management practices

Media ownership in Bulgaria: state of play and challenges - Reports

The blurred picture of Bulgarian media ownership restricts citizens’ right to information. A study by the Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD)

Monitoring Media Pluralism in Europe: Testing and Implementation of the Media Pluralism Monitor 2014 - Reports

The Monitoring Media Pluralism 2014 is a measurement tool updating and testing previous monitoring tools, designed to assess the risks to media pluralism in EU member states

The Transparency of Media Ownership in the European Union and Neighbouring States - Reports

A report based on a survey of media ownership transparency rules in 20 European Union (EU) and neighbouring states

Bulgaria: The Age of the Oligarchs - Reports

Former journalist Stefan Antonov takes a snapshot of the increasing rule of oligarchy in Bulgaria after 2009, providing facts and figures