Search croatia

Search for "croatia" returned 31 matches

Croatia: Smear campaign against journalist Anja Kožul, protection needed - Article

As part of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR), the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the International Press Institute (IPI) and the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF) condemn the smear campaign against Serbian journalist from Croatia Anja Kožul and call for her protection

A call on UK authorities to intervene on behalf of whistleblower Jonathan Taylor, stuck in Croatia - Article

This letter was sent electronically to the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs and First Secretary of State, Rt Hon Dominic Raab MP

New wave of SLAPPs hit Croatian media and journalists - Article

The Croatian journalists’ trade union and professional associations (TUCJ and CJA) announced last week that a new wave of vexatious lawsuits (SLAPP) is threatening freedom of speech in Croatia

Call for whistleblower Jonathan Taylor to be protected - Article

Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) partners, media protection, human rights, transparency and whistleblowing support organisations, alongside international jurists call on Monaco to immediately withdraw the arrest warrant that led to SBM Offshore whistleblower Jonathan Taylor being arrested in Dubrovnik airport

SLAPP: an analysis by Flutura Kusari and Nik Williams - Article

An op-ed published by openDemocracy about strategic lawsuits that threaten freedom of expression. The two authors, working for ECPMF and for the Media Freedom Rapid Response, remind of the need of a strong action at European level

The Media Freedom Rapid Response supports Gazeta Wyborcza in Poland who has received over 55 threats of legal action - Article

A contribution of €15,000 has been granted to respond to the unprecedented legal threats  made against Polish newspaper, Gazeta Wyborcza to support the outlet’s legal defence. The Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR), a mechanism to monitor and respond to threats against journalists and media workers in EU Member States and Candidate Countries, is a concrete support against SLAPPs

Jail and defamation: an international call to the Italian Constitutional Court - Article

Waiting for the hearing of the Consitutional Court scheduled for June 9th, the partners of the Media Freedom Rapid Response call to the Court to cancel prison as a punishment for defamation. Qui la versione italiana

Media capture: Toolkit for 21st century autocrats - Article


©Text Vector/Shutterstock

The 8th of a series of thematic itineraries to explore the Resource Centre on Media Freedom through a curated aggregation of contents. 

SLAPPs: Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation - Article

© STILLFX/Shutterstock

The 9th of a series of thematic itineraries to explore the Resource Centre on Media Freedom through a curated aggregation of contents.

Wiki4MediaFreedom explained in 10 points - Article

On November 21st, OBC Transeuropa organises in Belgrade a writing marathon of Wikipedia entries on press freedom. The initiative is part of a larger project – here it is, in 10 points