Search freedom_of_expression

Search for "freedom_of_expression" returned 72 matches

Freedom and the Media: a Downward Spiral - Reports

The Freedom in the World report shows that free press is declining around the world and that this threatens the status of democracy. Freedom of the Media is under attack not only in historically Not Free countries, but also in some of the most influential Free democracies in the world

Pushing on an Open Door: Foreign Authoritarian Influence in the Western Balkans - Reports

Powers such as Russia, Turkey, China, and several Persian Gulf states are exerting increasing influence in the Western Balkans, bringing significant economic and political leverage. This publication is part of a new International Forum working paper series

Media Capture in Europe - Reports

An accurate overview on the worrying media capture phenomenon that is occurring in Europe, and mostly in its Eastern part, with useful theoretical instruments to understand several dangerous forms of interference in the media sphere

IJF19: Can thematic newsrooms help fill the public-interest gap? - HTML5 video

Over the past 3 or 4 years, a few donors and NGOs have started investing directly in funding, launching, or incubating thematic units staffed and run by journalists, and producing independent investigative journalism to cover public-interest issues they care about. Not everyone is comfortable with that, while others see this as natural

Bulgaria: media ownership in a “captured state” - Reports

A report on the fact-finding mission by ECPMF and OBCT on Bulgaria’s media ownership structures and their implications for media freedom

Confronting the Crisis in Independent Media - Reports

Given the undeniable decline of independent journalism and the lack of understanding by international donors about how to help, this report sketches guidelines on how to confront the crisis on a coordinated global scale

Media Freedom in Turkey - Article

The seventh of a series of thematic itineraries to explore the Resource Centre on Media Freedom through a curated aggregation of contents

Romania’s press freedom fall - Reports

This short report by Reporters Sans Frontières (RSF) describes the current situation in Romanian media as press freedom has sharply declined in recent years. The country ranked 44th out of 180 countries in RSF’s 2018 World Press Freedom Index

SERBIA - Indicators on the level of media freedom and journalists’ safety 2018 - Reports

The aim of this report, produced within the regional project Western Balkan’s Regional Platform for advocating media freedom and journalists’ safety, is to find out “the level of media freedoms and journalists’ safety” in Serbia for the year 2017

Authoritarian Practices in the Digital Age - Academic Sources

This paper is the introduction to a Special Section that systematically examines authoritarian practices in relation to digital technologies in multilateral, transnational, and public–private settings. It explains the research agenda and aim of the collection and briefly describes its contributions