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Search for "local_media" returned 77 matches

Mediated Personalization of Executive European Union Politics - Academic Sources

A piece of automated content analysis on a corpus of articles covering the European Commission from 1992 to 2016

Media Independence through Routine Press-State Relations - Academic Sources

A case study of media independence and press-state relationship based on coverage of migration in the United Kingdom

A Structured Response to Misinformation: Defining and Annotating Credibility Indicators in News Articles - Academic Sources

This study suggests a way to determine the credibility of newspaper articles by developing collectively agreed indicators. The aim is to allow credible content to lead to greater collaboration and data-sharing across initiatives. As proof-of-concept, it presents a dataset of 40 articles of varying credibility annotated with these indicators

Challenges to Media Freedom: A view from Europe - Academic Sources

Drawing on the findings of two projects awarded by the European Commission, the paper examines the sources of the threats hindering media freedom in Europe

Is the EU Disinformation Review Compliant with EU Law? - Academic Sources

A complaint to the European Ombudsman about EU vs Disinfo

The spread of true and false news online - Academic Sources

MIT researchers investigated the difference in the diffusion of true and false news on Twitter

The fake news game: actively inoculating against the risk of misinformation - Academic Sources

Can a game in which participants create a fake news article help them spot misinformation in the real world? Researchers made an experiment in a high school in the Netherlands

Do tabloids poison the well of social media? Explaining democratically dysfunctional news sharing - Academic Sources

The study analyzes misinformation, disinformation, and “fake news” using a new theoretical framework and a unique research design integrating survey data and analysis of observed news sharing behaviors on social media in the United Kingdom. The research is designed of combination analysis of news media content, self-reports from relevant groups of social media users, and digital trace data

News in Social Media - Academic Sources

The article analyses news-gathering on social media, focusing on theories of opinion leaders and the concept of incidental news consumption. The research uses a combination of representative survey data and qualitative interviews with young people aged 16–19 in Sweden

The echo chamber is overstated: the moderating effect of political interest and diverse media - Academic Sources

The study analyzes the relationship between media diversity and political interest, challenging the impact of echo chambers and tempering fears of partisan segregation