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Search for "media_freedom" returned 108 matches

Legal Responses to Online Harassment and Abuse of Journalists: Perspectives from Finland, France and Ireland - Legal Resources

This report focuses on the legal framework that applies to online harassment and abuse in three jurisdictions, namely Finland, France and Ireland. These three jurisdictions have been selected because they are some of the few jurisdictions that have seen high-profile and successful prosecutions in 2018 of individuals who had been harassing or threatening journalists online

Democracy at Risk: Threats and Attacks Against Media Freedom in Europe. Annual Report 2019 - Reports

This 2019 Annual Report by 12 Council of Europe partner organisations portrays the situation of the media environment in Europe, highlighting its most problematic aspects and their causes. It also provides an in-depth look into particular issues or countries and recommendations to ensure a better media environment

Free Press Unlimited (FPU) - Support Centres

Free Press Unlimited is a foundation based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, which supports local journalists in war zones and conflict areas in over 43 countries. 

The organization offers several support programmes for journalists at risk:

  1. Emergency support: Journalists and media organisations in distress can apply for emergency support from Reporters Respond. Through this fund, Free Press Unlimited enables them to resume their work as quickly as possible when faced with obstruction, vandalism, or intimidations. More info here .
  2. Legal support: With the Legal Defense Fund, Free Press Unlimited provides financial support to journalists and media organisations worldwide, giving support to journalists who face prosecution or imprisonment and who are unable to afford a lawyer or trial costs. More info here .
  3. Safety trainings & tools: In collaboration with international partners, Free Press Unlimited supports (media) organisations and media workers with safety training. More info here .
  4. Advocacy: Independent media and press freedom cannot exist if safety for journalists isn’t guaranteed. Therefore, Free Press Unlimited actively lobbies for a safe work environment for journalists. An environment which enables them to work free of fear and danger. More info here .

Media and Law Studies Association (MLSA) - Support Centres

The Media and Law Studies Association (MLSA) is a Turkish non-profit (registered as Medya ve Hukuk Çalışmaları Derneği) founded in late 2017.

The main goals of the association, as stated in its website, are:

  • offering legal protection to journalists who are punished for expressing their thoughts
  • promoting the public’s right to information, particularly by supporting good finance and science journalism
  • promoting rights of minority groups, with a concentration on refugees and the LGBTI community.

The Media at Protests: Official Attitudes - Legal Resources

Covering protests and demonstrations is part of the core function of journalism of disseminating public interest information. However, often media workers are subjected to intimidations and attacks, also by police

Media Coverage of Protests and Demonstrations - Legal Resources

A thematic fact-sheet by the Platform to promote the protection of journalism and safety of journalists of the Council of Europe that discuss a number of ECtHR cases on the media coverage of protests and demonstrations

Digital Freedom Fund (DFF) - Support Centres

The Digital Freedom Fund supports Europe’s digital rights litigators – NGOs, pro bono lawyers and sometimes regular litigators – enabling them to become more effective in their work. They do this in a number of ways:

- through grants to support the legal, advocacy, research, and other costs involved in litigation;

- through facilitating digital rights actors’ access to pro-bono legal support.

DFF is supported by Open Society Foundations, Adessium Foundation, Omidyar Network, Renewable Freedom Foundation and the Democracy and Media Foundation.

Montenegro: the fight against impunity begins in the courtroom - Legal Resources

Two recent landmark judgements in Montenegro seek to end impunity for crimes against journalists, reversing a long-lasting trend and holding authorities responsible for failing to investigate attacks against journalist Tufik Softić

Media before Serbian Courts: A Struggle to Reach European Standards - Legal Resources

In the field of the media law, Serbian courts are reluctant to adapt to European Court of Human Rights case-law. Serbian NGO YUCOM identified a number of gaps in the jurisprudence and formulated recommendations to address them

Webinar: use of ATI/FOI laws in investigative reporting - Training

A talk with two investigative journalists from Pakistan and Jordan