Search political_pressure

Search for "political_pressure" returned 77 matches

Public Service Media in the context of disinformation and propaganda - Reports

This report explores the critical role of the Public Service Media (PSM) in counteracting the widespread phenomenon of information disorder, calling for a joint action among relevant actors and highlighting core novel “best practices” and activities undertaken by public service media organizations worldwide

The Expression Agenda 2017/2018. The state of freedom of expression around the world - Reports

ARTICLE 19 report shows sharp decline in global freedom of expression since 2014, and a continuous decline over ten years

Beyond 'Fake News': Tackling the Disinformation Ecosystem in Europe - HTML5 video

A panel discussion about the disinformation ecosystem in times of elections in Europe and how to collaboratively tackle this challenge. The panel took place during the 2017 edition of the re:publica festival in Berlin

News vs. fake AGCOM report on Italy - Reports

A report by the Italian telecommunications regulatory body about real and fake news in the Italian information system

Hacks, leaks and disruptions – Russian cyber strategies - Reports

This edition of the Chaillot Papers, the monographic publication by the European Union Institute for Security Studies, is devoted to Russia’s cyber posture, some case studies of Russian cyberattacks, and EU and NATO approaches to cyber threats

Call for Papers: Communication, Technology and Human Dignity - Opportunities

The International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) seeks papers and proposals for its annual congress. The central theme for 2019 focuses on communication-related rights. Deadline: February 8, 2019

Weaponizing the Digital Influence Machine: The Political Perils of Online Ad Tech - Reports

Developments in technology have turned digital political advertising into a weapon which is dangerous to democracy, a report by Data & Society argues

Freedom on the Net 2018 - The Rise of Digital Authoritarianism - Reports

Covering 87% of the world’s Internet users, Freedom on the Net is a study of Internet freedom in 65 countries around the globe that tracks improvements and declines in Internet freedom conditions each year

Network Propaganda - Books

A comprehensive study of media coverage of US presidential politics argues that the post-truth moment and the perceived democratic crisis have more to do with a longstanding change in the American right-wing media ecosystem than with social networks, Russian propaganda, and "fake news" websites

Reconstruction of the socio-semantic dynamics of political activist Twitter networks - Academic Sources

A case study of the French political landscape on Twitter during the 2017 presidential election, and how different political communities share fake news and debunks