Search for "TURKEY" returned 265 matches

Covering the Refugee Crisis: IPI World Congress 2016 Panel Discussion - HTML5 video

The refugee influx into Europe - but also Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey - has created a crisis of epic proportions. How are media covering this complex topic? Are they providing accurate and sufficient background information? How do they treat the question of “migrant” vs. “refugee”, terms that are often used interchangeably, but, if used incorrectly, can greatly influence society’s reactions to the crisis?

Erdoğan’s ‘New Turkey’ Cancels Out Critical Journalism (January - March 2016) Wednesday 04 May 2016 - Infographic


Turkey, Censorship, Defamation_and_Libel ... Turkey Censorship Defamation_and_Libel ... Bianet Media Monitoring report highlights that in the first 3 months of 2016, in Turkey, 5 journalists have been convicted on charges of “defaming the president”, 22 others have newly been put ... Erdoğan’s ‘New Turkey’ Cancels Out Critical Journalism (January - March 2016)

Erdoğan’s ‘New Turkey’ Cancels Out Critical Journalism (January - March 2016) - Reports

In the first 3 months of 2016, in Turkey, 5 journalists have been convicted on charges of “defaming the president”, 22 others have newly been put on trial for the same charges and legal action has been taken against 53 journalists  

Hrant Dink: An Armenian Voice of the Voiceless in Turkey - Books

Turkish writer and journalist Tuba Çandar traces the biography of Hrant Dink, the Turkish-Armenian journalist and political activist killed in 2007

Comparative Study on Investigative Journalism - Reports

EMR study compares different legal frameworks and relevant aspects impacting on investigative journalism across Europe

Europe’s stark deterioration of press freedom - 2016 Q1 REPORT - Reports

Index on Censorship’s Mapping Media Freedom platform shows pressure on journalists in Europe increased substantially during the first quarter of 2016

IPI Free Media Pioneer 2016: - HTML5 video

As the situation of media freedom in Turkey does not show any signal of improvement, this video by the International Press Institute pays tribute to the platform , giving voice to the journalists who contribute to it 

Captured news media: the case of Turkey - HTML5 video

Held at the International Journalism Festival 2016 in Perugia, this roundtable considers the current state of the media in Turkey

Media Pluralism Monitor 2015 - Monitoring tool

The Media Pluralism Monitor 2015 is a measurement tool designed to assess the risks to media pluralism in EU member states. The second MPM pilot-project is a follow-up to the Media Pluralism Monitor  2014, covering new countries

State-media financial relations in the countries of South East Europe - Reports

A regional overview of monetary flows between the state and the media is South East Europe demonstrates the systematic misuse of public funds for establishing control over media