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Hate speech in online media in South East Europe - Books

Under what conditions does freedom of speech become freedom to hate? How to deal with hate speech without harming freedom of expression? These are the questions addressed in this book, with a specific focus on the context of South East Europe and Turkey

Reporting Atrocities: A Toolbox For Journalists Covering Violent Conflict and Atrocities - Manuals

A toolbox for journalists covering extremely violent conflicts in other countries, but especially in their own communities

Media and Democracy in Central Eastern Europe (MDCEE) - Reports

A four year project investigated the relations between democracy and media in the countries that have joined the EU since 2004

Western Balkans and Turkey. Media and freedom of expression fact-finding and scoping study - Reports

This report commissioned by the European Commission provides four sets of recommendations with close to forty detailed action proposals aiming at improving institutional capacities in the Western Balkans and Turkey to ensure media freedom and freedom of expression

Guidelines for the application of the Rome Charter: A working tool for accurate media coverage on migration and asylum - Manuals

Media should cover migration-related issues in a thorough and nuanced way, based on solid facts. While the Rome Charter on the one hand suggests guidelines for Italian journalists when reporting on asylum seekers, refugees, victims and migrants, on the other hand this guide focuses on translating the principles affirmed in the code of conduct into practical guidance for journalists

The Right of Access to Information in Cyprus. Report and Recommendations - Reports

A report collecting the findings of a research on the right of access to information in Cyprus, conducted in 2010 by Access Info Europe, KAB and IKME as part of the Access Info Cyprus Project

Follow the Money: A Digital Guide for Tracking Corruption - Manuals

The ICFJ handbook redacted by the Romanian Centre for Investigative Journalism provides investigative journalists methods to track criminal companies across the borders, to untangle company ownership schemes and chase corruption

How Media and Politics Shape Each Other in the New Europe - Academic Sources

In this study, Alina Mungiu-Pippidi gives a fundamental contribution to the theorisation of the media capture phenomenon, exploring “the development of new strategies to control media contents and influence” in the aftermath of the 1989 revolutions

The SLAPP from a Sociological Perspective - Academic Sources

This paper is authored by one of the two academics who invented the acronym Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation. Penelope Canan, Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Denver studied SLAPPs together with George W. Pring, Professor of Law at the same university, adding a sociological perspective to the legal analysis