Search fake_news_and_disinformation

Search for "fake_news_and_disinformation" returned 42 matches

EFJ Online Seminar “Trust in media: Audience Engagement & Artificial Intelligence” - Article

Deadline 7 February to register to the online workshops planned for the end of March organized by the European Federation of Journalists

Addressing the challenges posed by disinformation in the Western Balkans - Statement by the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) - Article

Statement by the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) on the topic of the issue of disinformation in the region, on the occasion of the online webinar „Addressing the challenges posed by disinformation in the Western Balkans“ held in Sarajevo on 11-12 November 2020

Threats against the president of the Union of Italian Journalists - Article

The European Federation of Journalists expresses its solidarity to Beppe Giulietti, victim of online harassment and threats since 18 August

Spain: a new law against fact-checking - Article

An analysis by Javier Luque, IPI Head of Digital Communications, for Media Freedom Rapid Response: polarization and attempts by far-right party to smear fact-checkers and journalists corner press freedom in the country

Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2020 - Datasets

An interactive tool to browse and compare data from the 2020 Reuters Institute Digital News Report 

Europe’s recovery after the pandemic and Civil Society - Article

More than 30 civil rights organisations are asking EU institutions to safeguard the civil society sector in view of the European Recovery Plan after the pandemic

IPSOS Trust in news sources 2019: a global survey - Surveys

Trust in traditional media is perceived to have declined over the past five years, mostly due to the spread of fake news. The lowest levels of trust are recorded in Hungary and Serbia

Call for Europe’s leaders to protect free flow of information to tackle COVID-19 - Article

ECPMF joins with press freedom partners in call to EU leaders

Disinformation - Article

The sixth of a series of thematic itineraries to explore the Resource Centre on Media Freedom through a curated aggregation of contents.

Media freedom in Bulgaria - Article

The fourth of a series of thematic itineraries to explore the Resource Centre on Media Freedom through a curated aggregation of contents. The text has been kindly proof-read by Dr. Lada Price from Sheffield Hallam University - CFOM and AEJ - Bulgaria