Search online_news_online_media

Search for "online_news_online_media" returned 109 matches

Women harassment on social media: new tools to identify abuse - Article

A team of Columbia researchers is developing new computational tools designed to automatically identify abusive, offensive and harassing speech on social media platforms. Women journalists are asked to contribute to the research

Turkey: the Public Advertising Agency and bans implemented on newspapers - Article

20 international and local press freedom organisations and signatories are writing to the Public Advertising Agency (BIK) in Turkey in order to repeat the concerns about BIK’s criteria regarding the distribution of public advertisement and bans implemented on newspapers

Press Cartoonists in Europe must be protected - Article

Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) partners call for press cartoonists to be protected to ensure they can realise their right to free expression across Europe

2020 World Press Freedom Index - Monitoring tool

Compared to 2019 Index, the proportion of countries where the press freedom situation is “good” has remained stable, while the percentage of countries where the situation is “very bad” has increased by two points

Pay Attention: Legal Issues and Your Media Company - Training

An online course about legal risks run by media outlets and news organization: mistakes happen and legal issues are constantly part of the journalism process

Freedom on the Net 2019 - The crisis of social media - Reports

Freedom on the Net is an annual study of Internet freedom in 65 countries around the world, covering 87% of the world’s Internet users. It tracks improvement and decline in Internet freedom conditions each year.

What Can Be Done? Digital Media Policy Options for Strengthening European Democracy - Reports

This report identifies some policy options able to create an environment that is more conducive to independent professional journalism, demonstrating what democratic digital media policy could look like with freedom, funding, and a future

SOMA, Social Observatory for Disinformation and Social Media Analysis - Monitoring tool

A platform with infrastructure and connections to support experts in their activity against disinformation, with verification tools, algorithms, and processes

How Young People Consume News and The Implications For Mainstream Media - Reports

This research commissioned by the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism is based on two key questions: how do young people consume news? How can news publishers attract young readers, listeners, and viewers?

Newsroom Best Practices for Addressing Online Violence against Journalists - Reports

Interviews and visits in 45 newsrooms in 5 countries about online harassment of women: based on data collected in cooperation with the Office of the Representative on Freedom of the Media of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), this study examines the protection of female journalists as part of a broader analysis of newsroom strategies to counter online attacks and harassment on all journalists