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Search for "social_media" returned 104 matches

Webinar: use of ATI/FOI laws in investigative reporting - Training

A talk with two investigative journalists from Pakistan and Jordan 

European Journalism in the Digital Age - Training

A legal and practical boot camp for journalists, activists, and lawyers

Corruption in the EU: Guarantees for Whistleblowers Key to Fight Back - Reports

Corruption remains a widespread issue in Europe, but the absence of adequate protection for whistleblowers limits the willingness of citizens to report corruption cases to competent authorities

State Sponsored Trolling - Reports

The report published by the Institute for the Future explores how governments are deploying disinformation as part of broader digital harassment campaigns

International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) - Stakeholders

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is the world's largest organisation of journalists. First established as the Fédération Internationale des Journalistes (FIJ) in 1926 in Paris, it was relaunched as the International Organization of Journalists (IOJ) in 1946 but lost its Western members to the Cold War and re-emerged in its present form in 1952 in Brussels. Today the Federation represents around 600,000 members in 140 countries.

IFJ promotes international action to defend press freedom and social justice through strong, free and independent trade unions of journalists. Its Safety Programme includes casework, protests, campaigns, information and production of various publications. The Safety Fund, established in 1992, is an integral part of this programme that provides immediate financial relief to journalists in financial straits as a result of work-related reasons, such as:

  • Forced exile due to threats at home
  • Litigation
  • Medical Expenses
  • Travel costs

The request for assistance has to be submitted either to the IFJ regional offices in the applicant’s region or directly to the IFJ Human Rights and Communications Officer in Brussels.

Protection of journalistic sources is a basic condition for press freedom - Legal Resources

The new judgment Becker v. Norway by the European Court of Human Rights strengthens the protection of journalistic sources

Journalists dismissed from Polish public radio return to work - Legal Resources

Two journalists were dismissed in December 2016 from Polish Radio for "disciplinary reasons". Both filed a court action against the dismissal and are now reinstatement to their job

Restrictions on parliamentary reporting violates free expression: MLDI files intervention at European Court - Legal Resources

MLDI and four other NGOs have filed a third-party intervention in the European Court of Human Rights case of Iván Szabolcs Mándli and Others v. Hungary. The Court will examine the circumstances under which journalists may be forbidden from entering and reporting from public fora, such as parliamentary premises

Sindikat medija Crne Gore - Trade Union of Media of Montenegro - Stakeholders

The Trade Union of Media of Montenegro (Sindikat medija Crne Gore) deals with contractual disputes between staff and employers and provides journalists legal support, but it also participates in public-awareness campaigns around specific policy or regulatory issues that impact journalists’ reporting practices and rights.

Satakunnan Markkinapörssi Oy and Satamedia Oy v. Finland - Legal Resources

The Strasbourg Court found no violation of the right to freedom of expression where Finnish courts and authorities had prohibited two companies from processing and publishing personal - but already public - tax data, first through a newspaper and later through a text-messaging service