Search for "CROATIA" returned 65 matches

Media Integrity Matters - Reclaiming public service values in media and journalism - Books

This book by the South East European Media Observatory builds on and further develops research on democratic development of media systems in SEE, by focusing in particular on the concept of "media integrity" as a key element to assess and secure other components of functional media systems

Croatia - Media Integrity Matters - Reports

This chapter by the SEE Media Observatory research on democratic development of media systems in SEE focuses on the concept of "media integrity" in Croatia providing in depth analysis of several elements influencing the functioning of the Croatian media system

Media freedom and independence in 14 European countries: A comparative perspective - Reports

A comparative analysis across 14 countries and across different types of media services with a view to evaluating and analysing media policy patterns and their contribution to the promotion of media freedom and independence

MEDIADEM 2010 Background Information Report - Reports

A report on media policies and regulatory practices in a selected set of European countries, the EU and the Council of Europe

Media ownership and its impact on media independence and pluralism - Books

Media ownership and its impact on media independence and pluralism is an online project now condensed into a digital book. Curated by the South East European Network for Professionalisation of the Media (SEENPM) and released by the Peace Institute - Ljubljana, the book maps ownership patterns and their effects on media pluralism and independence in the countries of South East Europe and EU member states from Central and Eastern Europe.