Search "Serbia"

Search for ""Serbia"" returned 19 matches

SafeJournalists and MFRR partners: Death Threats to Editorial of Weekly Magazine Nacional in Croatia - Article

OBCT joins partners in the SafeJournalists Network and the Media Freedom Rapid Response in urging Croatian institutions to immediately respond to the death threats addressed to the weekly magazine Nacional 

North Macedonia: Media freedom groups urge authorities to cease harassment of journalist Furkan Saliu - Article

OBCT joins international media freedom, free expression, and journalist organisations in calling on authorities in North Macedonia to cease harassment of Furkan Saliu

Safety and justice: demanding accountability for attacks against journalists in Serbia - Article

Media freedom advocates condemn 25 years of impunity for Ćuruvija’s murder

SafeJournalists and MFRR: Physical Confrontation with Journalist in Serbia is Unacceptable and Must be Sanctioned - Article

SafeJournalists Network and the Media Freedom Rapid Response strongly condemn the behavior of the local authorities in Indjija, who forcibly removed the journalist Verica Marincic from the municipality building and prevented her from doing her job. We appeal to the competent authorities to investigate this incident in which the journalist was injured

Open letter: “We refuse to let the anti-SLAPP directive be a missed opportunity” - Article

OBCT joins international organisations in calling for robust anti-SLAPP Directive

Also available in ITA

Albania: urgent measures needed to safeguard journalists - Article

OBCT condemns recent attacks against journalists in Albania and calls on authorities to ensure press freedom in the country

Also available in ITA

Protests in Belgrade and violence in reality shows - Article

After the massacres of the recent weeks, street demonstrations continue against the government and above all the media, which according to critics have created a climate of intolerance and violence over the years

By Massimo Moratti

Originally published by OBCT, also available in ITA

Serbia: Independent journalism faces its biggest crisis in years - Article

Following a visit to Belgrade on April 10 and 11 2023 to commemorate the murder anniversary of editor and publisher Slavko Ćuruvija, the undersigned international press freedom and journalists’ organisations today issue a stark warning over the state of media freedom and journalists’ safety in Serbia

Gag lawsuits, an anti-SLAPP shield is coming - Article

OCCRP, the transnational investigative journalism platform against crime and corruption, has devised a system to prevent lawsuits, prevent self-censorship, and defend journalists from gag lawsuits – an actual shield in defence of reporters. Drew Sullivan, co-founder of OCCRP, explains it to us

By Paola Rosà

Serbia: Wave of lawsuits against investigative portal KRIK chills media freedom - Article

In recent months, KRIK’s newsroom has been targeted by ten different procedures requesting a total of 90 million dinars in damages. MFRR partners believe that these cases are a form of SLAPPs and demand urgent actions to address the growing phenomenon in the country