Search for "ALBANIA" returned 80 matches

Media Capture in the Western Balkans: From captured states to captured media - Reports

The policy brief produced by Southeast European Leadership for Development and Integrity (SELDI)  provides an analytical insight into the mechanisms behind media capture in the Western Balkans countries, as a phenomenon that negatively affects the media landscape in those countries through impairment of media freedom and pluralism. With the region being on track for EU accession, media capture presents a paramount problem that the brief addresses

MFRR Monitoring Report 2023 - Reports

The partners from the MFRR consortium publish the latest edition of its Monitoring Report which documents press freedom violations from January to December 2023

Safeguarding women journalists in the digital age - Article

On International Women’s Day, MFRR coalition partners publish a critical examination of attacks against women journalists in the European Union and candidate countries

Press Freedom in Europe: Time to Turn the Tide - Reports

On Tuesday 5 March 2024, the Platform to Promote the Protection of Journalism and Safety of Journalists launched its annual report "Press Freedom in Europe: Time to Turn the Tide", written by the Platform’s coalition of fifteen press freedom NGOs and journalists associations. It takes stock of key areas of law, policy and practices affecting media freedom and safety of journalists in Europe and identifies actions required to improve effective protection of journalists.

Albania: urgent measures needed to safeguard journalists - Article

OBCT condemns recent attacks against journalists in Albania and calls on authorities to ensure press freedom in the country

Also available in ITA

Albania: Press freedom organisations and journalist associations call for swift justice following deadly attack on Top Channel - Article

OBCT joins MFRR partners in urging Albania’s authorities to pursue the perpetrators who shot dead Pal Kola, Albanian TV station Top channel’s security guard

ALBANIA – Indicators on the Level of Media Freedom and Journalists' Safety in Albania, 2022 - Reports

“Indicators on the Level of Media Freedom and Journalists' Safety in Albania '' is a publication produced by Safejournalists network. The scope of this document is to analyse the ongoing situation in the country with respect to legal protection, editorial independence and safety of journalists

Mapping Media Freedom Monitoring Report 2022 - Reports

The 2021 Monitoring Report offers an overview of media freedom violations in the EU and candidate countries from January to December 2022. It addresses in particular four major developments: the war in Ukraine; the abuse of legal actions to silence legitimate public journalism; the rise in online attacks and environmental reporting.

Albania: MFRR and Safe Journalist Network condemn attack on journalist Elvis Hila and his wife - Article

OBCT joins its Media Freedom Rapid Response partners and the Safe Journalists Network in condemning the physical attack on Albanian journalist Elvis Hila and his wife, calling for a swift prosecution of those involved in the attack 

Albania: Media must not face criminal prosecution for public interest reporting - Article

Media freedom groups raise concern over the blanket publication ban issued by Albanian prosecutorial authorities regarding a trove of hacked data. No journalist or media outlet should face criminal sanctions for publishing information in the public interest