Search for "BELGIUM" returned 5 matches

Public Service Media in the context of disinformation and propaganda - Reports

This report explores the critical role of the Public Service Media (PSM) in counteracting the widespread phenomenon of information disorder, calling for a joint action among relevant actors and highlighting core novel “best practices” and activities undertaken by public service media organizations worldwide

Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2018 - Reports

This study explores the ways news is being consumed in a range of countries. This year's report focuses on the issues of trust and misinformation, media literacy, new online business models, the impact of changing Facebook algorithms and the rise of new platforms and messaging apps

European Broadcasting Union - Media Intelligence Portal - Datasets

The European Broadcasting Union collects raw datasets on the functioning of public service media across the countries which are part of EBU

Media freedom and democracy (Eurobarometer) - Surveys

This opinion survey published in November 2016 explores the perceptions of European citizens regarding pluralism and independence of their national private and public media

Media freedom and independence in 14 European countries: A comparative perspective - Reports

A comparative analysis across 14 countries and across different types of media services with a view to evaluating and analysing media policy patterns and their contribution to the promotion of media freedom and independence