Search for "SWEDEN" returned 6 matches

Civil Rights Defenders - Support Centres

A support centre that partners with and supports human rights defenders who work in some of the world’s most repressive regions on four continents.

Through advocacy, litigation, and public campaigns, CRD advance people’s rights globally and also act as Sweden’s watchdog civil rights group.

Among the support activities, there are security training, emergency support, expertise, organisational development, and long-term financial support.

Civil Rights Defenders - Stakeholders

An Expert Organisation for Human Rights. CRD partners with and supports human rights defenders who work in some of the world’s most repressive regions on four continents.

Through advocacy, litigation, and public campaigns, CRD advances people’s rights globally. The organisation also acts as Sweden’s watchdog civil rights group.

Every year, CRD has The Civil Rights Defender of the Year Award, an award for outstanding work in defence of civil and political rights, to recognise a prominent human rights defender who, despite the risk to their own safety, continues the struggle for civil and political rights.
The award highlights the situation of human rights defenders at risk. It enhances their human rights work by providing international recognition and support to the organisation represented by the award recipient. The award recipient is a person who carries out their work without the use of violence and within an independent human rights organisation or network.

Among the support activities, there are security training, emergency support, expertise, organisational development, and long-term financial support.

CRD also brings together its partners so they can exchange experiences, as well as learn from and inspire each other.

Defending Free Speech - Reports

This report by the Swedish Government presents an action plan to safeguard and strengthen the democratic discourse against threats and hatred, with special regard to politically elected representatives, journalists and artists 

Digital Agenda key indicators - Datasets

European Commission services selected more than 100 indicators, divided into thematic groups, which illustrate some key dimensions of the European information society

Web Index - Indexes

The Web Index is designed and produced by the World Wide Web Foundation to measure the World Wide Web’s contribution to social, economic and political progress in countries across the world

Safety Guide for Journalists - A handbook for reporters in high-risk environments - Manuals

A survival kit that every investigative journalist should keep in pocket and in mind, provided by UNESCO and Reporter Without Borders on the basis of real experiences