Search european_court_of_human_rights

Search for "european_court_of_human_rights" returned 20 matches

Serbia: KRIK journalists facing SLAPPs after publishing the profile of Judge Dušanka Đorđević in database - Article

The lawsuits followed KRIK’s publication of Judge Dušanka Đorđević and her husband's profile on the “Judge Who Judges” database on 24 January 2024.

Turkey: international media freedom and human rights organisations condemn alarming surge in arrests of Kurdish journalists - Article

OBC Transeuropa and 26 press freedom and human rights organizations vehemently condemn the arrest of three Kurdish journalists last week.

Terrorism investigation into Catalan journalist raises concerns ahead of elections - Article

Journalists and media freedom organizations express concern over the investigation for terrorism of Catalan journalist Jesús Rodríguez Sellés, now residing in Switzerland

Safety and justice: demanding accountability for attacks against journalists in Serbia - Article

Media freedom advocates condemn 25 years of impunity for Ćuruvija’s murder

CoE’s Recommendation represents a significant milestone in the fight against SLAPPs - Article

CASE welcomes the Council of Europe’s Recommendation on SLAPPs, approved by the Committee of Ministers today - Friday, 5 April. The Recommendation is comprehensive and, if genuinely implemented, could significantly limit the damage caused by SLAPPs

International Media Freedom and Human Rights Organisations Demand Release of Journalist Dicle Müftüoğlu in Upcoming Trial - Article

On the day of a new hearing of journalist Dicle Müftüoğlu, MFRR partners and international media and human rights organisations call for immediate attention to her case and her unjust detention which starkly violates international legal standards and media freedom

Slovakia: Lack of justice for Kuciak and Kušnírová’s assassination exacerbated by growing attacks on press freedom - Article

On the sixth anniversary of the brutal killing of investigative reporter Ján Kuciak and his fiancée Martina Kušnírová, the undersigned organisations renew our call for long-awaited justice for their killings and the imperative to break the cycle of impunity.

Albania: SPAK must respect source protection in case of journalist Elton Qyno - Article

OBCT signs a joint letter together with media freedom partners in the SafeJournalists Network, the Media Freedom Rapid Response, and Reporters Without Borders addressed to the head of the Special Prosecution against Corruption and Organized Crime (SPAK) to raise concerns over the recent attempts to reveal the source of Albanian journalist Elton Qyno

Turkey: Repeal the "disinformation offence" and overreaching legal amendments - Article

Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) partner organisations and Article 19 Europe reiterate their call for the annulment of Article 217/A of the Turkish Penal Code and related legal amendments passed in October 2022 that undermine international standards on the right to freedom of expression and of the press.

Turkey: International groups condemn arrest of journalist Tolga Şardan - Article

We call upon the authorities to immediately release Tolga Şardan

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