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Search for "investigative_journalism" returned 67 matches

SafeJournalists network, MFRR partners, and Coalition for Media Freedom condemn continuing pressures and attacks on journalists in Serbia - Article

The SafeJournalists network, Media Freedom Rapid Response partners, and Coalition for Media Freedom condemn the growing pressure on Serbian journalists, recently exemplified by a physical attack on journalist Vuk Cvijić, and the demand for prison sentences for the journalists of the media outlets KRIK and Pištaljka. We call on the authorities to prioritise addressing the rise in attacks against the press and to genuinely commit to improving the safety of journalists

Safety and justice: demanding accountability for attacks against journalists in Serbia - Article

Media freedom advocates condemn 25 years of impunity for Ćuruvija’s murder

Serbia: escalating threats and attacks against journalists in Novi Sad - Article

The escalation of threats and violence suffered by journalists in Novi Sad, northern Serbia, has reached an unprecedented level in the past fortnight. OBCT joins the undersigned organisations in urging the Serbian authorities to conduct an immediate and thorough investigation into the persistent attacks on journalists and ensure that perpetrators are prosecuted accordingly

ARTICLE 19’s Ethical Journalism Awards 2024 in Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia - Reports

As part of its newly launched #CheckItFirst campaign, ARTICLE 19 launches the 2024 Ethical Journalism Awards 

SafeJournalists and MFRR: Physical Confrontation with Journalist in Serbia is Unacceptable and Must be Sanctioned - Article

SafeJournalists Network and the Media Freedom Rapid Response strongly condemn the behavior of the local authorities in Indjija, who forcibly removed the journalist Verica Marincic from the municipality building and prevented her from doing her job. We appeal to the competent authorities to investigate this incident in which the journalist was injured

Serbia: Court of Appeals acquits suspects of journalist Slavko Ćuruvija’s murder - Article

OBCT and MFRR and SJN partners strongly denounce the decision of the Belgrade Court of Appeals to acquit the four suspects for the murder of Serbian journalist Slavko Ćuruvija

Defunding disinformation in the Balkans - How International Brands Support Russia’s Agenda - Reports

Defunding disinformation in the Balkans - How International Brands Support Russia’s Agenda is a report produced by the Balkan Free Media Initiative (BFMI) and the Center for Research, Transparency and Accountability (CRTA)

Serbia 2023 Report - Reports

Each year the European Commission monitors the progress of candidate countries in their reform process aimed at the EU accession. As part of the annual progress report, the EC assesses the developments in relation to freedom of expression and media pluralism and independence

Serbia: New draft media laws represent another step backward for media freedom - Article

OBCT joins MFRR partners in expressing concerns over the new draft Law on Public Information and Media and the Law on Electronic Media. We call for the Serbian government to revise the latest draft versions of the laws and ensure that their provisions comply with European and international standards on freedom of expression

Monitoring Media Pluralism in the Digital Era - Country report: Serbia - Reports

The Media Pluralism Monitor Report 2023 analyses the conditions of media systems across Europe with a specific focus on the digital environment