
3 results

European Media Freedom Act - HTML5 video

The panel explores the innovations included in the European Media Freedom Act, focussing on how the challenging attempt to harmonise the norms and provisions that regulate journalism in the different member states can either promote or curb the free exercise of the profession and the rights to freedom of expression in the European space. From state advertising and state funded media to media ownership, from the protection of editorial independence to anti-surveillance measures, the EMFA addresses contested domains where conflictual political views and economic demands challenge the essence of journalism as a cornerstone of our democracy.

Ensuring the safety of journalists: the role of law enforcement authorities - HTML5 video

In 2021 the European Commission adopted its Recommendations on the protection, safety and empowerment of journalists calling on Member states to ensure safe working conditions for journalists and media workers. Yet, threats and attacks against journalists remain an issue of concern in many EU member states as well as in candidate countries. The panel investigates the relationship between journalism and law enforcement authorities: on the one hand it will explore the potential for a constructive collaboration, while on the other it will discuss the potential threat that law enforcement authorities may represent when they act in a context of fragile rule of law.

Surveying the landscape - Initiatives to counter spyware - HTML5 video

Within the context of the 2023 MFRR Summit dedicated to “Press Freedom on the Line” - which took place from the 29 to the 31 of March - this discussion explored the strengths and weaknesses of the current draft of Article 4 of the EMFA, through a comparative analysis of the existing independent authorities that the article requires member states to designate, in order to deal with complaints about breaches of provisions of the article itself. The lack of judicial ex-ante evaluation mechanisms were discussed as a key missing element which has attracted much criticism from media-focused NGOs and civil society organisations which have been called upon to provide feedback by the Commission.