This digest was produced in cooperation with the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ)
The “Manifesto of Venice”, a manifesto for gender equality and correct information, was launched on the World Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and Girls, on 25 November 2017. Signed by 800 journalists, including directors of national newspapers in Italy, the manifesto was launched by the EFJ affiliate in Italy, the Federazione Nazionale Stampa Italiana (FNSI) Equal Opportunities Committee (CPO). It is a result of their collaboration with the CPO of Unione Sindacale Giornalisti Rai and Giornaliste Unite Libere Autonome (GiULiA), following a proposal by the Veneto Journalists’ Union.
The manifesto lists a number of recommendations to improve gender equality in the media and eliminate all representations which, even unknowingly, contribute to stereotypes and gender inequality.
Date of launch: 25 November 2017
The full Manifesto can be read here
Tags: Media and gender Italy EU Member States WorldwideManifesto of Venice against gender-based violence