Experienced journalists from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania and Serbia are eligible to apply.
Successful applicants receive a €2,000 bursary, up to €2,000 in travel and reporting expenses, close editorial supervision and mentoring, and the chance to attend international career development seminars and be published in the most influential regional and international media.
In addition, the top three articles chosen by an international jury will receive awards of €4,000, €3,000 and €1,000.
The closing date for applications is 8 March, 2017.
The application form, guidelines and further information about the fellowship are available online at http://fellowship.birn.eu.com
The Balkan Fellowship for Journalistic Excellence is implemented by the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network, supported by ERSTE Foundation and Open Society Foundations
Tags: Albania Bosnia Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Greece Kosovo North Macedonia Montenegro Romania Serbia