The Discourse Net (DNS5) Summer School is taking place from August 16 to 19, 2019, in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, with the aim to discuss theoretical frameworks, methodologies and methods of political discourse analyisis in the context of diverse information channels in the global digital space.
Whereas optimists welcome new media opportunities for political thought and practice, skeptical voices raise issues of political manipulation and discuss possible consequences of ethical and epistemological relativism flourishing within the digital environment. DNSM5 intends to become a space for exploring a common theoretical ground uniting socio-political, technological and discursive perspectives. Advanced MA and PhD students from various disciplinary backgrounds interested in research questions emerging at the crossroads of Discourse Studies, Media Theory and Political Communication Studies are invited to apply.
Abstracts (300 words maximum) must be sent via the following Google Form by February 1, 2019.

Tags: Digitalisation Social media Russia
Deadline: 01/02/2019 10:59 pm