This digest has been produced in cooperation with the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ)   

The 2018 Annual Scientific Seminar on the Economics, Law and Policy of Communications and Media is calling for papers to be published in a special issue of the European Competition and Regulatory Law Review. Suggested topics include:

- online platforms

- social media

- advertising

- online pluralism

- media bias

- liability of freedom of expression online.

More information can be found at

Papers should be sent to FSR.ComsMedia[at] by 31 January 2018.

The program for the following seminar on 22-23 March 2018 will be announced by 12 February 2018.

A maximum of 15-18 research papers will be accepted.


Come arrivare

Deadline: 30/01/2018 11:00 pm
Research and Editorial Team: Florence School of Regulation, Communications & Media (FSR C&M)