European Youth Press is looking for participants to join the Training Course ‘Data-driven journalism against prejudices about migration’ that will take place from the 12 to the 20 of November 2016 in Berlin.

The main objective of the training course is to increase data journalism skills through hands-on training and working on a real story. In this project EYP partners with established media from different countries who send one journalist to join the training. Together participants will learn data journalism skills and  immediately apply them on practice. Finalized results of their work will be published by the media partners of the project which will ensure broader outreach and long-term effect. This course will also create an international network of young media makers, mid-career journalists and activists concerned with migration and refugees’ rights.

Participants of the training course will:

  • Learn and practice data journalism techniques: finding the right data, scraping, compiling, cleaning, storytelling with data.
  • Join in teams and work on specific projects aimed at publication in the national media
  • Build  professional contacts and get hands-on experience of working on a cross-border data-driven investigation

Extended deadline for receiving applications: September 11, 2016, 23:59h CET.


Tags: Data journalism Open data Journalism education

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Deadline: 11/09/2016 9:59 pm