You plan to create your own multimedia platform? You are a journalist committed to the inclusion of diversity in media? In the framework of its mentoring programme Div-A (Diversity Accelerator), the Council of Europe will help and fund ten individuals and/or teams from the Council of Europe countries to develop their ideas.

Div-A aims at testing a new approach to rendering the media landscape in Europe more inclusive with regard to cultural diversity and more balanced in relation to diversity issues. An international team of new media experts – including the German Krautreporter, the Hungarian Direkt 36, the Greek Athens Live, the French Sport et Handicaps and the Italian Termini TV – will guide selected candidates through the planning phase of their multimedia enterprise.

Selected projects will be offered contracts up to 3000€ for completing the mentoring programme and fulfilling its specific obligations. Their projects will be mentored for six months, starting in Lisbon 10-11 November 2016 and ending at the Perugia International Journalism Festival (to be confirmed) in April 2017.

The application deadline is 26 August. To fill in the application form click here.

Tags: Council of Europe Member States Media pluralism

Come arrivare

Deadline: 26/08/2016 9:59 pm
Publishers: Council of Europe