European Journalism in the Digital Age (EJDA) is a training programme designed to give journalists, activists, and everyone involved in the field of publishing in the public interest the tools they need to understand the challenges arising from the digital revolution and illiberal rollbacks.
The Center for Media, Data, and Society at the Central European University in Budapest is announcing an open call for candidates for this legal training programme for journalists, civil society advocates, and media lawyers in Central and Southeastern Europe. The EJDA is a ‘hybrid’-style online and offline course that focuses on providing participants with the fundamentals of media and freedom of expression law in the digital age and practical solutions for tackling threats from litigants, hackers, and hostile governments. The course features an intensive two-day workshop in the Balkan region (location TBA) on the weekend of May 25-27, 2018, followed by nine weeks of online instruction.
The programme is selective and covers all expenses, including tuition and travel.
Topics include:
- codes of ethics and professional standards for public watchdogs;
- access to information in possession of public bodies;
- defamation and libel;
- privacy;
- source protection and working with whistleblowers;
- working with documents that are leaked, classified, illegally obtained;
- personal and digital security.
The course is funded by the Open Society Foundation and is supported by SHARE Foundation, Serbia.
Successful participants will receive a professional certificate from the CEU School of Public Policy, signed by the Dean and verifiable for employers.
Application deadline: March 5, 2018, at 17.00 (5pm) Central European Time
Tags: Journalism education Legal protection Safety of journalists