The Balkan Barometer is compiled by the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) based on the results of a comprehensive survey on attitudes, experiences and perceptions of the general public and the business community in SEE.
Published for the first time in 2015, the surveys is based on the responses of 7,000 citizens and 1,400 businesses in seven SEE economies, on a wide range of issues dealing with the political, socio-economic, business and investment climate, infrastructure, rule of law and other developments in the region.
In its 2016 edition, the Balkan Barometer covers also the perception about “Media reporting objectivity”: respondents have been asked to indicate their level of satisfaction about the content of an average newspaper or television channel and the objectivity of reporting on SEE region. The answers provided are available here.
The narrative reports presenting the complete result of the survey can be accessed here: 2016 report and 2015 report.
Countries covered
The Balkan Barometer is envisioned as an integral part of the annual monitoring process conducted in 7 countries: Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia, Kosovo and Montenegro.
Tags: Media pluralism Hate speech