The Digital Economy and Society Index is composite indicator was developed and is updated yearly to keep track of performances and progresses made by EU member states in the field of digital economy and society.
It is composed of 5 main indicators (detailed below) and related sub-indicators. Among the aspects with a relevant impact on media and information, a few indicators may result of particular interest, namely: coverage, speed and affordability of broadband connection; internet users and basic digital skills; usage of Internet as a source of news; social media; Open Data performance by member states.
Interactive visualizations of the scoring recorded by each country are available here.
The five dimensions of the DESI Index:
Connectivity dimension measures the deployment of broadband infrastructure and its quality.
Human Capital dimension measures the skills needed to take advantage of the possibilities offered by a digital society. Such skills go from basic user skills that enable individuals to interact online and consume digital goods and services, to more advanced skills.
Use of Internet dimension accounts for the variety of activities performed by citizens online. Activities scrutinized under this dimension include reading news online, using the internet to perform video or audio calls, using social networks...
Integration of Digital Technology dimension measures the digitisation of businesses and their exploitation of the online sales channel.
Digital Public Services dimension measures the digitisation of public services, focusing on eGovernment.
Tags: Open data Online news Online media Media literacy Social media