Credits: Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0
The VoiCEE podcast series aims to capture the diversity of Central and Eastern Europe and to understand the emerging trends. Above all, the authors declare that they want to “give a voice to a region that is often talked to rather than listened to”.
The fourth episode, “Media independence in Central and Eastern Europe”, analyses the state of media independence in Central and Eastern Europe, creating a space for hope and recommendations on how to make a difference.
In this episode hosted by Transitions, Jeremy Druker speaks with Marius Dragomir, director of the Center for Media, Data and Society at Central European University.
The VoiCEE is produced by a network of independent media outlets that report on Central and Eastern Europe in English: Notes from Poland, Kafkadesk, Insight Hungary, Internews Ukraine, New Eastern Europe, Reporting Democracy, Transitions, Ukraine World, VSquare.
The project, funded by the National Endowment for Democracy, aims at reporting on issues related to democracy, the rule of law, civil society, human rights and media freedom.
Podcast Producer: Ewa Dunal, Sounds and Stories
The episode is available here .
Tags: Media freedom Media pluralism