Towards a European society equipped to respond to SLAPPs
The anti-SLAPP proposed directive and the anti-SLAPP Recommendations adopted by the EC in April 2022 signal an increased awareness of the need for effective policy and practical tools to counter vexatious lawsuits against public participation. By exploring existing challenges and viable approaches to counter gag lawsuits, the panel tries to identify effective models to strengthen resilience and foster cooperation among relevant actors, such as journalists, activists and legal practitioners.
Opening remarks: Amb. Lamberto Zannier, President of CCI Scientific Board, former OSCE Secretary General
Luisa Chiodi, Scientific Director at OBC Transeuropa
Introduction: Sielke Kelner, Researcher and Advocacy Officer at OBC Transeuropa
Moderator: Roberta Taveri, Media Freedom Programme Officer at Article 19 Europe
Speakers: Sara Manisera, Freelance journalist FADA Collective
Vesna Alaburić, Lawyer and media legislation expert Jelena Vasić, Project Manager at KRIK
Emina Veljović, Director at Aarhus Centre Sarajevo
This panel was part of the international conference Media-Democracy Nexus in the European Space organised by OBCT as part of the MFRR project. Learn more on OBCT's dedicated dossier .