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News related to press and media freedom coming from selected and reliable sources. News items are gathered and listed via an RSS feed

Press Freedom Under Threat. OSSIGENO at Ghent University. October 10

Ossigeno organize an international seminar with students and journalists about tools to monitor attacks against media and operators Next October 10 Ossigeno per l’Informazione will organize at Ghent University (Belgium) the international seminar “Press Freedom Under Threat“, together with the Faculty of Law and Criminology. The event is scheduled in the program of the European Centre

Source: O2 in English – Ossigeno Informazione

International observer denounces Turkey’s "show trials"

By Jane Whyatt In a court room inside Istanbul’s Silivri prison two hearings have been held of journalists accused of “supporting terrorism“ this week, as in supporting the former AKP associate Fetö, now fallen from grace. Silivri prison (photo: CeeGee, SilivriPrison02, CC BY-SA 4.0) International observers including Georgia Nash of London-based human rights campaign Article 19 were present at the hearings. She told ECPMF: Both cases were inconclusive. The journalists  and media workers must remain in detention, and none of them was granted their request to be allowed more time with their lawyers. They get one hour a week. Article 19 has denounced…

Source: European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF)

Earthquake in Ischia. Rage against “Jackal” journalists, attacked and insulted

Targeted the reporters of La7: insulted Nello Trocchia of the TV show In Onda while the crew of the newscast was forced to deliver the filmed shots On August 21, 2017 an earthquake struck the island of Ischia (in the province of Naples) where numerous homes collapsed and immediately raising a public debate on the

Source: O2 in English – Ossigeno Informazione

Sicily. Verbal threats to a journalist who writes of a drugs investigation

Giuseppe Spallino was stopped in the street in Castelbuono and attacked by a couple involved in the investigation On 29 July in Castelbuono (in the province of Palermo), a town of 8,000 people in which he lives, the journalist Giuseppe Spallino was threatened by two fellow citizens who told him not to write other articles

Source: O2 in English – Ossigeno Informazione

Rome. Stolen documents and archives from home of Paolo Borrometi

Stolen a hard-drive and paper documents from the journalist’s archive, which defines the episode as “disturbing” In August someone was stealthily introduced into the Roman house of the Sicilian journalist Paolo Borrometi while he was absent. The intruders took away the hard-drive of a computer and some paper documents. The fact was announced on August

Source: O2 in English – Ossigeno Informazione

Baltic. For photographs of teens with shotguns, death threats to an italian photographer

“You’re a dead man,” they say on the phone to Tommaso Clavarino. Spokesperson of the ministry of Estonia defines him a useful idiot. Solidarity from Assostampa Subalpina “Russian Spy, you’re a dead man”: it is the message that on July 26, 2017 an Estonian user, at the moment yet unknown, recorded in the telephone answering

Source: O2 in English – Ossigeno Informazione

Immigration. Andrea Palladino denigrated on facebook

Insults and threatening expressions from a leader of the right-wing association Generazione Identitaria for his articles on the weekly Famiglia Cristiana On 6 August 2017, on Facebook, the journalist Andrea Palladino was denigrated and subjected to offensive and threatening expressions by Gian Marco Concas, a former Navy officer who is the technical director of the

Source: O2 in English – Ossigeno Informazione

Night intrusion in the offices of “Avvenire di Calabria”

Unknown persons entered the newsroom in Reggio Calabria, breaking in from the front door, but they did not take away anything. The incident was notified to the police In Reggio Calabria, during the night between 16 and 17 July, unknown persons broke into the newsroom offices of the weekly l’Avvenire di Calabria, published every Sunday

Source: O2 in English – Ossigeno Informazione

Drago Hedl: the journalist's craft, between threats and humiliations

"In a way, my Osijek has shrunk, like a cheap shirt after the first wash". The great reporter on the recent attempt to bribe him, the main corruption and criminal cases he has been investigating, and his future as a writer

Source: Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso - ECPMF News

Top Spanish lawyer offers pro bono defence to save journalist from extradition to Turkey

By Jane Whyatt There’s new development in the case of Turkish-Swedish journalist Hamza Yalçin. He is behind bars at Brians prison near Barcelona as the Spanish government is deciding on his future. The Turkish government demands his extradition on charges of “supporting terrorism“ and "insulting the president". Now the famous Spanish human rights lawyer, Baltasar Garzón, has offered to defend him pro bono, on behalf of FIBGAR, the human rights foundation he created. Yalçin will be represened by the law firm ILOCAD. Lawyer Baltasar Garzón (photo Víctor Santa María from Buenos Aires, Argentina, Baltasar Garzón, Estela de Carlotto y Rigoberta Menchú en la UMET (12),…

Source: European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF)