RSS news import

News related to press and media freedom coming from selected and reliable sources. News items are gathered and listed via an RSS feed

Italy. Draft bill on cyberbullying could reduce freedom on internet

Changes made 20 September 2016 by the Chamber of Deputies to the original text could allow censorship and severe abuse Changes made last September 20 by the Chamber of Deputies to a draft law to combat cyberbullying (a draft law that now must be re-examined and voted again by the Italian Senate) move away this

Source: O2 in English – Ossigeno Informazione

Commission pushes for more digital content access but also stricter copyright protection in EU

By Ana Ribeiro The European Commission is proposing measures to bring down barriers to accessing digital content across EU member states’ borders. Meanwhile, it is calling for digital publishing to be given similar status under copyright law as traditional broadcasting and record and film productions. The Commission is proposing changes to digital copyright law amid the rapidly evolving new media landscape. Such reforms, which are subject to parliamentary approval, are causing controversy among the media - especially those related to increasing legal protection for companies publishing digitally as platforms and users post and share their content. (Image:…

Source: European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF)

Refugee women in Germany defy extremists by learning journalism

By Ola Aljari, ECPMF’s Refugee Journalist ECPMF’s Ola Aljari interviewed Mohammad Mallak, editor-in-chief of Saiedet Souria magazine, on the theme of giving women practical training and resources to tell their stories. The magazine has been published in the areas not controlled by the Syrian regime since 2014. "The training lasted four days; we had 17 stories by the end. The stories were published in a special edition of the magazine under the name 'Women Revealing'." - Mohammad Mallak, on the results of the workshop. (Photo: Ola Aljari) What are the activities included in this project? The project is divided…

Source: European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF)

Death threats against Serbian journalists must be investigated

The European Federation of Journalists strongly condemn the brutal death threats against Nedim Sejdinović, President of Independent Association of Vojvodina Journalists (NDNV) and Dinko Gruhonjić, NDNV Program director

Source: Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso - ECPMF News

Home but not dry: reflections on the draft BBC Charter and Agreement

David Puttnam and Des Freedman, who led the Inquiry into the Future of Public Service Television, respond to the draft BBC Charter published last week. It is a well-established trick of the policy trade that if you want to implement unpopular changes, you should threaten the worst and then compromise so that both sides can then claim success. This is […]

Source: Media Policy Project

Greece: auction for TV licenses threatens media pluralism

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) backs its Greek affiliate, to denounce the closure of four out of the eight private TV channels, leading to thousands of job losses

Source: Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso - ECPMF News

Does Theresa May really want an independent BBC? The jury’s out

Steven Barnett, Professor of Communications at  University of Westminster, analyses UK prime minister Theresa May’s decision to effectively dismiss Rona Fairhead as BBC chair, and the implications for future BBC governance. There are two ways of looking at Theresa May’s decision to reverse Rona Fairhead’s appointment as BBC chair, thereby effectively dismissing her. The first is benign, reflecting a genuine […]

Source: Media Policy Project

Call for: Participants for journalistic writing workshop

Are you good at writing? Do you not only want to read news but also produce content on different topics to inform others? And do you love getting to the root of a matter?   Do you wonder how to start producing a story? How you should approach researching? What the difference is between an announcement and […] The post Call for: Participants for journalistic writing workshop appeared first on European Youth Press.

Source: European Youth Press

Hungary: prosecutor acts on ECPMF fact finding mission report

One year after a group of journalists were beaten up and detained by police guarding the Serbian-Hungarian border, the state prosecutor has started a special investigation. Balàzs Nagy Navarro, an award-winning Hungarian journalist who chairs the Supervisory Board of the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom, has given evidence. It was based on ECPMF’s fact- finding mission to discover what happened in the Röszke incident. Nagy Navarro, who led the ECPMF fact-finding mission, says: It is a very important step that the Hungarian Prosecutor’s Office opened this investigation. We consider it as sign that – despite the Hungarian government’s insistence…

Source: European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF)

Journalism in Turkey: my days in jail after the coup

by Bülent Mumay, Istanbul | OSSERVATORIO BALCANI E CAUCASO The attempted coup of July 15 had a harsh impact on Turkish media and journalists. Via an editorial piece, we hear from Bulent Mumay, one of the journalists arrested in those days and later released.…

Source: European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF)