Hate Speech in the Media of Armenia and Azerbaijan
Yerevan Press Club and Yeni Nesil Journalists’ Union of Azerbaijan jointly developed this glossary on hate speech in the media of Armenia and Azerbaijan, to help shading light on the most common clichés, stereotypes and examples of inaccurate information in the media of Armenia and Azerbaijan.
The manual is based on the findings of a number of joint studies, administered by Yerevan Press Club and “Yeni Nesil” Journalists’ Union of Azerbaijan. It also reflects the observations made of Azerbaijani and Armenian media in 2001-2010 by the two organizations.
The authors of this research believe that it should be viewed not only as an evidence of the hostility that has seized the media space of the conflicting parties, but also as a tool useful for those journalists in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh and third countries who seek to produce quality and unbiased coverage of the developments and issues of the region, thus supporting the transformation of the hate speech into peace speech.
This glossary has been produced within the framework of the project “Armenia-Azerbaijan Media Bias Reduction” implemented by Eurasia Partnership Foundation (EPF) with the financial assistance of the UK Conflict Prevention Pool.
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