Publication Date: February 2020
Research and Editorial Team: IPI

The IPI Protocol is not intended to be a one-size-fits-all. Instead, it offers a framework for newsrooms to tackle the issue of online abuse and provides a series of specific measures that newsrooms can adopt and adapt according to their particular situation.

It is the result of field research that examined best practices in 45 newsrooms across five countries in Europe – Finland, Germany, Poland, Spain and the United Kingdom – as well as further conversations with editors across Europe and experts in the fields of digital safety, trauma and law.

Step 1: Reporting

a. Create a culture of safety in the news-room around online harassment

b. Establish clear reporting lines and report-ing channels

c. Document instances of online attacks and harassment

Step 2: Risk Assessment

a. Risk of physical harm

b. Risk of psychological harm

c. Risk of reputational harm

Step 3: Support mechanisms

a. Digital security support

b. Legal support

c. Emotional and psychological support

d. Temporary leave, relocation and/or reas-signment

e. Public statement of supportf. Moderating online abuse

Step 4: Tracking and Reassessment

Tags: Harassment Safety of journalists

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