Publication Date: December 2015
Research and Editorial Team: Dr Richard Carver, Oxford Brookes University
MLDI Manual on International and Comparative Media and Freedom of Expression Law

MLDI Manual on International and Comparative Media and Freedom of Expression Law

This manual provides materials for trainers and participants to workshops on media freedom and freedom of expression, considering international law standards and the most progressive comparative law from a variety of jurisdictions.

The manual covers a wide variety of topics. It starts by exposing underlying principles of freedom of expression, moving on to the basic norms regulating traditional media and the internet, including criteria admitting restrictions in these two realms. It also deals with key issues such as the provisions regarding defamation, privacy and national security, protection of sources and hate speech.

The report finally assesses the norms regulating states' responsibility to guarantee physical safety of journalists, as well as the mechanisms through which international norms are transferred into national juridical systems. 

Tags: Legal protection Media freedom Freedom of expression Defamation and Libel Hate speech Safety of journalists Journalism education Worldwide

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