Publication Date: April 2016
Access to Information in Bulgaria 2015

Access to Information in Bulgaria 2015

The Access to Information Programme (AIP) has been monitoring the implementation of FOI legislation in Bulgaria since the year 2000. Every year, the organization releases an annual report presenting significant developments and relevant cases.

AIP provides legal help for accessing information when this is refused. Based on this activity, the annual report highlights which are the institutions addressed and what type of information was sought by the requesting individuals who turned for legal help to AIP in 2015.

Moreover, the report contains recommendations related to the access to information legal framework and its implementation, as well as other obligations granting transparency; it also presents a detailed review of the amendments to the Access to Public Information Act (APIA) as of December 2015.

The report is available in Bulgarian only. A short overview in English presents tendencies in the court practices on access to information cases in 2015 and summaries of cases in which AIP has provided court representation .

The report is prepared within the project Civil Center for Support of Transparency in Public Life  , supported with a grant by the America for Bulgaria Foundation .

Tags: Access to information Bulgaria

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