Publication Date: September 2018
Research and Editorial Team: Pauline Betche and Martin Hoffman
Concept of the enemy III: the violent forces are ganging up against journalists

The European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF ) has registered 22 physical assaults against 28 journalists and media workers from January to mid-September 2018 while only 5 incidents were registered in 2017. On average most journalists are being attacked while photographing, filming or simply holding cameras around alt-right rallies. More than half of the assaults was registered in Saxony.
Not only the number of physical attacks but also the number of severe verbal assaults remains extremely high. Bellowing ‘lying press‘ insults and vile abuse and also hindering the journalists‘ work – that has been an inherent part of right-wing populist and right-wing extremists’ behavior at their gatherings ever since 2015.

Tags: Germany

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