Corruption in the EU: Guarantees for Whistleblowers Key to Fight Back
This digest has been produced in cooperation with the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ)
According to the latest Special Eurobarometer on Corruption, published on 19 December 2017, over two thirds (68%) of Europeans think that corruption is widespread in their country.
Yet in this situation of perceived corruption, and even if corruptive practices are largely considered unacceptable in most EU Member States, whistleblowing is not seen as a secure option. The majority of Europeans who experience or witness corruption do not report it (81%). The reasons people cite for not reporting corruption are the difficulty to prove, the absence of consequences on the perpetrators and the lack of protection for those who report. The absence of whistleblower protection was the third most significant reason for this, pointing to the fact that whistleblowers across Europe still face a difficult and dangerous situation.
The entire Eurobarometer survey can be read here.
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