Publication Date: October 2014
Research and Editorial Team: Professor Ida Willig, Roskilde University
Denmark Media Pluralism Monitor 2014

MPM 2014 divides the risks for media pluralism into three categories, encompassing respectively legal, economic and socio-political aspects. In Denmark, significant risks to media pluralism can be found to a medium level in the economic sector.

Denmark is a dual media system with strong public service media. The general competition is an oligopoly in radio, television and print. The online environment is also heavily influenced by competition from the legacy platforms, but remains a bit more diverse, albeit dominated by Google and Facebook. The risk for legal and socio-political aspects are relatively low, 3 out of 20 indicators examined in the legal sector show a high risk and only one indicator of the socio-political sector shows a higher risk for representation of political views in the media.

The overall conclusion of the economic indicators is that the risk is generally high. 2 of 6 economic indicators score low risk, 1 scores medium risk and 3 – high risk. For a detailed look on each sector and on the different indicators and reasons for the high risk indicators please follow the link below.

Tags: Denmark Media pluralism

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